Holiday Story: Homage to Friday Kahlo and The Zeitgeist That Is Hispanic Christmas Culture
This card is actually one of my favorites. It’s truly amazing the look that Frida Kahlo became famous for. If you are blowing the whistle here about being woke and cultural appropriation, read on.
Cultural appropriation: The adoption of an element or elements of one culture by members of another culture or identity. Particularly controversial when members of a dominant culture appropriate from disadvantaged minority cultures.
Fun fact: Frida Kahlo herself was half Germanic in ancestry and definitely not indigenous, which is where all the main visual elements of her look came from. She adopted this look to bring awareness and recognition to her home country, Mexico.
Did this make it okay for me to use this look visually? I personally think it’s okay. Icons will be icons and I use this as homage and appreciation rather than appropriation. I am a big fan of her legacy in addition to Hispanic and LatinX culture.
Will I ever showcase this look publicly, publish it as art, or seek to make money off of it? No. That isn’t mine to own.
The Look
Critical elements to Frida’s look include:

- A peasant blouse
- Jewelry with large stones
- Colorful flowers for a flower crown
- Dark eyebrows and an almost unibrow
The Build
First Up: Peasant Blouse

I created the blouse with stripes in it from the fabric I also intended to use as a backdrop. I’d seen the visual trick of wearing the same thing as your background, which is a bit more difficult to create than you would think. (I tried to do this idea in my college makeup classes and failed at that first try. Of course, that was with makeup.)

Jewelry, Flower Crown, & Darkened Eyebrows

The Photo Shoot
Anita Boeira shot my photos. She did an AMAZING job, especially in the post-edits. Check out her work.

The Inside Story

I had a lot of fun things going on during 2014 and decided to document them, like many people do in their holiday cards. Notice that I spelled mustache wrong!! And Alcatraz is wild. You should totes go.
The Back