Holiday Story: Last Holiday Wishes before the 2012 Apocalypse
This was my first official Xmas card. I had done others previously here and there for other holidays. You may or may not remember the 2012 superstition that, as predicted by a Mayan calendar, the world was going to end in the year 2012, hence the apocalyptic storyline.
The mask I had made a few years before when I had intended to make a series of masks to decorate the Xmas tree. I made about five before my mom took back her generous offer to let me decorate the tree, since my pace of creation was not meeting the decorating timeline. (I don’t blame her–sometimes I can’t make the expectations I set for myself.)
Inside I included a few witticisms that I thought were funny.

I was a big fan of Big Bang Theory, in which the character Sheldon defines Xmas as Saturnalia, a reference to the pagan celebration during the winter solstice. It’s not an unjust attribution either.
@chrliechaz is, of course, my Twitter handle, for reasons that will be explained in the Holiday Card 2013 post, should you care to read it.
The Back

I think I printed 25 or 30 if that. It started small, as most things do.